Real Estate Transfers

Real Estate Transfers are a typical component of Elder Law Planning, asset protection related to Medicaid eligibility, Guardianships, Trusts & Estates, and Probate/Estate Administration

Medicaid Situations: For example, if a married person applies for Medicaid for their ill spouse, it may be important to transfer the marital home to the community spouse. There are situations when a person under 65 who’s applying for Medicaid is transferring their residence to a self-settled Special Needs Trust

Inheritance: An Executor may need to transfer property to a beneficiary or to a testamentary trust, pursuant to the terms of the Last Will and Testament. 

Transfers to Family Trusts: There are times that a person decides to transfer real estate to their children, They may want to  establish a Trust for benefit of certain family members and transfer property to the Family Trust.

Sales or Transfers by Guardians: A Guardian generally needs  to seek Court permission to sell or transfer real estate. We represent Guardians who wish to do such transactions.

Closings (Sales): We also handle traditional closings for real estate sales. The client may be selling their own property, or may be in the position of  Guardian, Agent under Power of Attorney, Executor , Trustee or Estate Administrator.


How do we Help you? Our attorneys help you to analyze the pros and cons of real estate transfers. We explain any legal impediments, and seek appropriate remedies through court petitions or negotiations. 

We prepare the necessary documents, and guide you through the procedures necessary to transfer real estate, to preserve the asset, or to carry out the terms of a Last Will and Testament. 

We will help you coordinate steps such as arranging for an appraisal and doing a title search , or getting any necessary confirmations from a lender. 

We collaborate with attorneys in other States or countries when our clients have property outside of New Jersey that needs to be transferred.


Call us at 732-382-6070 for advice concerning asset protection and real estate transfers.

senior couple from behind

Real Estate Transfers